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100 Country Lessons (Guitar)
컨트리 기타 교본
Book & Online Audio

출판사Hal Leonard
저자Troy Nelson, Chad Johnson
아이템 #00696455
분량208 페이지

Guitar Lesson Goldmine 시리즈는 100개의 레슨 주제들로 구성되어 있습니다. 전 영역에 걸친 주제에 대해 오선과타브로 동시에 표기된 예제와 모범 연주가 온라인으로 제공됩니다.

100 Country Lessons에는 오픈 코드 릭, 리듬 테크닉, 펜타토닉 스케일, 아르페지오, 더블 스탑 릭, 트리블 스탑 릭, 스탠다드 벤딩, 페달 스틸 벤딩, 트래비스 피킹, 하이브리드 피킹, 핑거스타일 컨트리, 코드 꾸밈 등의 다양한 내용이 수록되어 있습니다.

책 첫 페이지의 사이트 주소와 액세스 코드로 음원을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

- Contents -

LESSON #1: G Major Open-Chord Licks
LESSON #2: C Major Open-Chord Licks
LESSON #3: D Major Open-Chord Licks
LESSON #4: A Major Open-Chord Licks
LESSON #5: E Major Open-Chord Licks
LESSON #6: The Root/5th ("Boom-Chick") Rhythm Technique
LESSON #7: The Extended Major Pentatonic Scale
LESSON #8: The Extended Minor Pentatonic Scale
LESSON #9: Major Arpeggios
LESSON #10: Minor Arpeggios
LESSON #11: Dominant Arpeggios
LESSON #12: Incorporating Open Strings into Double-Stop Licks
LESSON #13: Incorporating Open Strings into Pentatonic Licks
LESSON #14: Bass-String Bends
LESSON #15: Triple Stops
LESSON #16: Unison Bends
LESSON #17: Ascending Open-String Scales
LESSON #18: Descending Open-String Scales
LESSON #19: Open-String Scale Licks
LESSON #20: Repetitive Licks
LESSON #21: 6th-to-b7th Bends
LESSON #22: Incorporating Open Strings into Chord Progressions
LESSON #23: Oblique-Bend Double Stops
LESSON #24: Travis Picking
LESSON #25: Fingerstyle Country
LESSON #26: Open-Chord Embellishments
LESSON #27: Soloing over Standard Turnarounds (V-IV-I Changes)
LESSON #28: Walking Bass Lines
LESSON #29: Soloing over l-vi Progressions (Major to Relative Minor)
LESSON #30: Using the Mixolydian Mode to Solo over Dominant Chords
LESSON #31: 2nd-to-3rd Bends
LESSON #32: Legato Playing
LESSON #33: Positional Playing
LESSON #34: Targeting Chord Tones with Pre-Bends
LESSON #35: Pedal Steel Chord Melodies
LESSON #36: Faux G-Bender Licks
LESSON #37: Countrified Boogie Patterns
LESSON #38: Chromatic Single-Note Lines
LESSON #39: Multi-Octave Melodic Motifs
LESSON #40: String-Skipping Licks
LESSON #41: Bass-String Licks
LESSON #42: Combining Double Stops and Single-Notes Lines
LESSON #43: Combining 3rds and Single-Note Lines
LESSON #44: Combining 6ths and Single-Note Lines
LESSON #45: Constructing a Guitar Solo: Key of C Major
LESSON #46: Constructing a Guitar Solo: Key of G Major
LESSON #47: Constructing a Guitar Solo: Key of F Major
LESSON #48: Constructing a Guitar Solo: Key of D Major
LESSON #49: Constructing a Guitar Solo: Key of A Major
LESSON #50: Constructing a Guitar Solo: Key of E Major
LESSON #51: Using Hybrid Picking for Double Stops
LESSON #52: Using Hybrid Picking for Single-Note Lines
LESSON #53: The Composite Blues Scale
LESSON #54: Combining Parallel Major and Minor (The "Three Frets" Trick)
LESSON #55: Blending Parallel Major and Minor Pentatonic/Blues Scale Forms
LESSON #56: Scooped Chords for a Pedal Steel Effect
LESSON #57: Using Pre-Bends to Simulate a Pedal Steel on Single-Note Lines
LESSON #58: Pedal Steel Precision
LESSON #59: The Three-Note Chromatic Trick
LESSON #60: Enclosing the Major 3rd
LESSON #61: The 6th-to-b3rd Move
LESSON #62: The Pivot-Note Oblique Bend
LESSON #63: Chromatic Approach Tones
LESSON #64: Lower Neighbor Tones
LESSON #65: 6th Chords
LESSON #66: Diatonic 3rds
LESSON #67: Diatonic 6ths
LESSON #68: Chromatic 3rds
LESSON #69: Chromatic 6ths
LESSON #70: Open-String Pull-Offs
LESSON #71: The Minor v Sound Over the I Chord
LESSON #72: Transposing Licks for the I, IV, and V Chords
LESSON #73: Blues/Dorian Hybrid Scale
LESSON #74: Open-String Cascade Licks
LESSON #75: Unison Slide Trick
LESSON #76: Hybrid Picking Pivot Licks
LESSON #77: Behind-the-Nut Bends
LESSON #78: Ending on the b7th
LESSON #79: Using Open Strings to Shift Positions
LESSON #80: Pedal Steel Triple-Stop Bends
LESSON #81: Extreme Double-Stop Bends - The Snag
LESSON #82: Extreme Bends - Multiple Intervals
LESSON #83: Compound Bends
LESSON #84: Chicken Pickin' 101
LESSON #85: Takin' the Jazz to the Barnyard
LESSON #86: Banjo Rolls
LESSON #87: Chord Voicings That Mix Open and Fretted Notes
LESSON #88: The bVII Sound over the I Chord
LESSON #89: The Major or Dominant II Chord
LESSON #90: Resolving to the 3rd
LESSON #91: Countrifyin' the Blues Box
LESSON #92: Bending the Rules
LESSON #93: Triad Inversions
LESSON #94: Seventh Chord Inversions
LESSON #95: The Almighty Passing Tone
LESSON #96: The "Pluck-Pluck-Release" Move
LESSON #97: The Pretzel
LESSON #98: The Thirteenth Chord
LESSON #99: Artificial Harmonics
LESSON #100: The "Intentional Mistake" Final Bend

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